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Title | Keyword | Description | Published | # of Pages | Document |
Investigating Benefits and Challenges of Converting Retiring Coal Sites | Coal, Siting & Licensing | The Department of Energy released a study in 2022 evaluating detailed impacts and potential outcomes of a Coal-to-Nuclear transition. | 2022 | 172 | Document |
Passed Nuclear Legislation | Policy | This document houses all nuclear-related legislation that passed in 2022 and 2023 in the US. | 2023 | 2 | Document |
NIA Advanced Nuclear Energy Guide for State Policymakers | Policy | This Guide serves as an introduction to advanced nuclear energy technologies and policies for state-level policymakers and stakeholders. The first part of this Guide describes advanced reactor technology and its benefits, provides an overview of enabling federal policies, and reviews state options to incentivize local development of advanced reactors. The second part of the Brief provides case studies of emerging state leaders in these technologies: - nuclear projects in Wyoming - Energy Northwest's plans in Washington State - the state of play in Virginia and the Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium - Texas leadership in deploying advanced nuclear energy - the Nuclear Alternative Project in Puerto Rico Finally, the last section of this Brief is a compendium of topical briefs that elaborate the characteristics of advanced reactors with respect to safety, economic benefits, waste management, the flexibility and dispatchability of advanced nuclear power, its timing and development. These briefs also include one-pagers on key provisions found in the IRA to spur nuclear innovation. | 2023 | 29 | Document |
Advanced Reactors Fact Sheet | Technology | This document provides an overview of advanced reactor features along with a chart of US advanced reactors. | 2020 | 2 | Document |
ANT: Owner-Operator Reactor Technology Assessment Guide 2022 Version | Technology, Siting & Licensing | This report contains guidance on selecting technologies for review, and then ultimately settling on a design to pursue. It provides a process framework for systematically reviewing the available reactor technologies to identify the ones that best fit an owner-operators goals, and then delving into more detailed review of individual designs. When the process is complete, an organization will have identified a primary design and alternative designs for comparison and potential backup, and it will have the information and data needed to stand by the evaluation. | 2022 | 152 | Document |
Background on Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Process | Siting & Licensing | The NRC Factsheet provides a background on the nuclear power plant licensing process. | 2020 | 5 | Document |
Characterizing an Emerging Market for High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium Productio | Supply Chain | This report by NIA provides new technical analyses of high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) production cost and the funding requirements for federal programs to support HALEU availability for advanced reactors. The production cost analyses highlight and quantify the role of different cost drivers (including both existing uranium mining, conversion, and enrichment capacity as well as new HALEU enrichment and deconversion capacity) in the cost of domestic HALEU production. This report provides a strong technical, economic, and policy basis for on-going efforts by Congress, the Biden Administration, and the U.S. Department of Energy to catalyze new domestic commercial production of HALEU for advanced reactors. | 2023 | 108 | Document |
Consent Based Siting Constortia | Consent Based Siting | The Consent based siting consortia was created to help DOE facilitate engagement activities to maintain local support and transparency throughout the initiative | Document | ||
DOE Advanced Nuclear Liftoff Report | Coal, Consent Based Siting, Cost, Data Centers, Policy, Technology, Siting & Licensing, Supply Chain | These D&D Pathways reports aim to establish a common fact base with the private sector around the path to commercial liftoff for critical clean energy technologies. Their goal is to catalyze more rapid and coordinated action across the full technology value chain. | 2024 | 83 | Document |
E3 Pacific Northwest Zero-Emitting Resource Study | Transmission | E3 investigated for Energy Northwest the role of zero-emitting resources in meeting future energy needs under new state-based carbon policies. E3 identified electricity resource portfolios to decarbonize in the Pacific Northwest and provided cost analyses of obtaining firm, zero-emitting generation sources. | 2020 | 73 | Document |
Economic Planning for the Clean Energy Transition - ISO New England | Transmission, Cost | This report by ISO New England studies highlights potential economic challenges of clean energy transition specific to the New England States. This report repesents an exmaple of how a region might plan for energy transition and how to consider different sources of energy to ensure grid stability. | 2024 | 27 | Document |
Effects of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act on SMR Economics | Cost | This report by the Idaho National Lab studies the impact of the technology-neutral investment tax credit (ITC) and the technology neutral clean generation production tax credit (PTC) on the cost competitiveness of SMR's. | 2024 | 19 | Document |
EPRI Economic-Based Research and Development Roadmap for Nuclear Power Plant Construction | Cost | This report identifies methods and technologies that could enable a reduction in cost for new nuclear plants and develops a cost estimation tool that can be used to determine the main cost drivers. | 2019 | 242 | Document |
Frequently Asked Regulatory Questions | Siting & Licensing | The Commerical Licensing FAQs provide specific questions and answers regarding commercial nuclear plant licensing and operation. | Document | ||
From Coal to Nuclear: A Practical Guide for Developing Nuclear Energy Facilities in Coal Plant Communities | Coal | This report provides owner-operators and other stakeholders with practical guidance for the relatively near-term deployment of a nuclear energy facility on, or near, an existing coal plant site. The report provides a generalized, regulatory agnostic process for repurposing a coal plant with nuclear energy. It also reviews the many options and concerns that must be evaluated and resolved, including multidisciplinary engineering and technical considerations as well as workforce and community engagement issues. | 2023 | 124 | Document |
Literature Review of Advanced Reactor Cost Estimates | Cost | This report provides a detailed overview of the existing open literature on advanced reactor costs.The goal of this study is not to infer exact cost projections for nuclear energy, but rather to provide useful ranged of where costs may lie. | 2023 | 68 | Document |
Meta Analysis of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Cost Estimations | Cost | This report provides between first of a kind and nth of a kind costs (BOAK) cost ranges for large reactors and small reactors. | 2024 | 178 | Document |
NIA Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology: A Primer | Technology | This primer provides basic information on advanced reactors to help the public and stakeholders understand the promise of innovative nuclear technologies. Dozens are under development around the world; this primer focuses on those in the United States and Canada. | 2023 | 49 | Document |
NREL Advanced Guide to Understanding Power System Model Results for Long-Term Resource Plans | Transmission | This guide builds on the beginnerings guide to understanding power system model results for long-term resource plants. This guide focuses on 3 primary topics - electricity demand evolution, demand-side resources, and resource adequacy. | 2024 | 15 | Document |
NREL Beginners Guide to Understanding Power System Model Results for Long-Term Resource Plans | Transmission | This guide focuses on interpreting scenario results generated by power system planning models which are used to inform integrated resource plans for utilities with a goal to imrpove decision-making in the electricity planning process by strenthening dialogue between system planners and relevant stakeholders | 2024 | 19 | Document |
Nuclear Moratoria | Policy | The States with Nuclear Moratoriums is a document with a list of states that have existing nuclear moratoriums. It also includes details on what it takes to repeal the moratorium and the citation of state code. | 2024 | Document | |
Powering Data Centers With Clean Energy | Data Centers | This technical report conducts a comparison of clean energy solutions for data center electricity demand including several scenarios and results. | 2024 | 47 | Document |
Pueblo Innovative Energy Solutions Advisory Committee Report (PIESAC) | Coal | The PIESAC was created to evaluate and recommend future clean energy generation strategies that decision-makers felt could help direct the replacement of the existing coal units at Comanche Generation Station. The study found advanced nuclear as the replacement technology for Comanche Unit 3. | 2024 | 23 | Document |
Resources for Coal Repowering with Nuclear Energy | Coal, Policy | This document serves as a high-level introduction to coal repowering with nuclear energy (also known as coal power plant repurposing, or coal-to-nuclear transitions) and a directory of useful resources for those looking to dive deeper into the topics discussed herein. It presents the key concepts, opportunities, and challenges associated with this energy transition, and provides readers with solid foundations and condensed information, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of this subject matter. It is intended for a diverse range of stakeholders interested in exploring coal repowering with nuclear energy, and is meant to foster informed decision-making, strategic planning, and meaningful discussions that contribute to coal repowering efforts. Policymakers, industry stakeholders, researchers, community leaders, potential customers, and interested individuals will find a concise overview of coal repowering to help navigate the multifaceted aspects of this energy transition and the extensive body of literature already available. | 2023 | 38 | Document |
Stakeholder Guidebook for Coal-to-Nuclear Conversions | Coal | This guidebook provides stakeholders in communities and electric utilities with information supported by analyses and document reviews about issues pertinent to the topic of C2N transitions. | 2023 | 124 | Document |
Taxonomic Guidance on Advanced Nuclear Reactors | Policy | The Taxonomic Guide on Advanced Reactors is a document that includes an industry consensus definition for the term advanced reactor, along with reasoning and additional taxonomic guidance. | 2022 | 4 | Document |
Tool Guide to Quanitfy Capital Cost Reduction | Cost | This tool showcases different pathways to reducing the captical cost of an advanced reactor plant. The intent is to relatively quantify key cost drivers and visulatize the evolution of costs as plants are buile, not to predict the exact cost of future plants. | 2024 | 4 | Document |
What is Consent-Based Siting | Consent Based Siting | What is Consent-Based Siting is an overview of the Department of Energy's commitment to siting a permanent disposal facility of spent nuclear fuel. | Document | ||
Resources for Coal Repowering with Nuclear Energy | Coal, Policy | This document serves as a high-level introduction to coal repowering with nuclear energy (also known as coal power plant repurposing, or coal-to-nuclear transitions) and a directory of useful resources for those looking to dive deeper into the topics discussed herein. It presents the key concepts, opportunities, and challenges associated with this energy transition, and provides readers with solid foundations and condensed information, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of this subject matter. It is intended for a diverse range of stakeholders interested in exploring coal repowering with nuclear energy, and is meant to foster informed decision-making, strategic planning, and meaningful discussions that contribute to coal repowering efforts. Policymakers, industry stakeholders, researchers, community leaders, potential customers, and interested individuals will find a concise overview of coal repowering to help navigate the multifaceted aspects of this energy transition and the extensive body of literature already available. | 2023 | 38 | Document |
SODI Template ESP Application for Brownfield Sites | Siting & Licensing | The Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative developed teamplate for brownfiled ESP applications based on previously successful ESP applications. This templates gives guidance to interested parties on required information and guidance on ESP applications for brownfield sites. | 2024 | 185 | Document |
Using the Cost Reports and Papers | Cost | This summary paper gives a short overview of the Meta Analysis, the Cost Reduction Scope, and the Profitability Analysis. There is a summary on how the 3 reports can work together for cost projections. | 2024 | 3 | Document |
State Nuclear Policies | Policy | “State Nuclear Policies” is a compilation of introduced, enacted, failed, and vetoed legislation and executive orders intended to accelerate the deployment of advanced nuclear technology in the U.S.. | 2024 | 11 | Document |
State Feasibility Study | Policy, Feasibility Study | This report is a summary of state feasibility studies, their focus of study, and results to date. It includes links to finished feasibility studies | 2024 | 4 | Document |
Early Site Permit Overview | ESP | The Early Site Permit (ESP) Overview provides a high level introduction to the process. This document is meant to introduce interested parties to the ESP process, requirements for application, and regulatory framework. The document highlights potential costs and what drives them. | 2024 | 12 | Document |