Microreactor Program Review 2023
March 8 – 9, 2023
Meeting Objectives:
This Program Review will be focused on ongoing progress for each Technical Focus Area and discussion of path forward for the remainder of FY23. Discussions will highlight:
- Accomplishments to date and progress on key efforts
- Issues/concerns related to meeting FY23 goals and M2 milestones
- Potential collaboration with other NE programs
- Initial thoughts on priorities for FY24 and beyond
- Review participant questions
Program Vision:
Through cross-cutting research and development and technology demonstration support, by 2025 the Microreactor Program will:
- Achieve technological breakthroughs for key features of microreactors
- Empower initial demonstration of the next advanced reactor in the US
- Enable successful demonstrations of multiple domestic commercial microreactors
Program Objectives:
- Meet critical R&D needs of existing developers that require national lab or university expertise or capabilities
- Develop R&D infrastructure to support design, demonstration, regulatory, and safety related tests and to collect data to validate M&S tools.
- Develop advanced technologies and concepts for next-generation microreactor applications and systems
- Enable future microreactor applications (e.g., district heat, hydrogen production, and defense applications).