Past Voucher Awards
The successes and significant contributions of past GAIN NE voucher recipients have real-world impacts on our energy future. GAIN is proud to provide these nuclear innovators with a single point of access to the broad range of capabilities — people, facilities, materials, and data — across the Department of Energy’s complex and its National Lab capabilities.
Past Voucher Recipients
Radiation Aging of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Analysis & Measurement Services Corp.
Under this voucher, AMS performed radiation aging of two temperature and two pressure sensors at the Gamma Irradiation Facility of the High Flux Isotope Reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Dynamic Natural Convection System, Dynac Systems LLC
This Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear voucher paired DYNAC Systems with Idaho National Laboratory to evaluate the company’s Dynamic Natural Convection (DNC) system.
Assessment of Small Modular Reactors, Dow
The focus of this project is to look at the integration of small modular reactors (SMRs) for both electricity and process heat.
An Advanced Multiphysics Simulation Capability for Radiant’s Microreactor Design and Shielding Analysis, Radiant Industries Inc.
The objective is to integrate the core and shielding analysis tools in order to design a safe and economically viable microreactor.
Experimental and Software Validation of Integral Thermal-Hydraulic Behavior in Fuel Assemblies, Oklo
This project seeks to address 1) pressure drop behavior of a typical sodium fast reactor fuel assembly with an orifice device and 2) orifice device onset of cavitation.
Thermal Property Measurements for an LEU-Fueled Molten Salt Reactor, Flibe Energy
This project seeks to model and experimentally confirm the composition of two known salt systems (LiF-NaF-UF4 and LiF-NaF-ThF4) as the fuel and blanket salt for Flibe’s Lithium Fluoride Low-Enrichment Uranium Reactor (LFLEUR).
Criticality Safety Evaluation of NuCycle™, Curio Solutions
The project will evaluate the criticality safety limits of the conceptual equipment designs for NuCycle™.
Chlorine Nuclear Data Measurement and Evaluation, TerraPower
This project will perform new measurements of 35Cl(n,p), analyze the experimental data from these measurements, generate new 35Cl and 37Cl cross-section evaluations in ENDF/B format, and assess the impacts of the expected changes to chlorine nuclear data by comparing analysis of MCRE with updated cross-section libraries to results with existing nuclear data.
LEU+ UF6 Physical Chemistry Study, Orano Federal Services
Previous studies for UF6 limits in shipping containers were limited to enrichment up to 5%. The objectives of this new study will take that enrichment to 10%. The project will review the available literature and update these studies with current techniques, evaluate the impact of higher enrichments in safety criticality cases in transport conditions, and…
Advanced Functional Membrane Testing for Noble Gas Management in a Molten Salt Reactor, Exodys Energy (Elysium)
The objective of this project is to evaluate a metalorganic framework (MOF) for continuous separation of Xe and Kr from the off-gas in the FCMSR in order to optimize the noble gas management of the FC-MSR and chemical processes for fuel salt production and conditioning and support the safety and licensing bases.
Support for Analysis of USNC Micro Modular Reactor Fuel Performance, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corp.
This project will include the analysis of fuel performance under Micro Modular Reactor (MMR) operating conditions and assess if using recycled uranium in Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated (FCM) fuel is viable.
Investigation of the Structural Integrity and Corrosion Resistance of Surface Treatment on Alloy-709 in a Molten Fluoride Salt Environment, Terrestrial Energy USA, Inc.
This project seeks to perform baseline studies on surface-treated A709 for corrosion resistance and mechanical properties to understand long-term corrosion protection when subject to periods of sustained and cyclic loading at high temperatures and its potential use in the IMSR®.
Deployment of Advanced Electroanalytical Sensors in the Kairos Power Engineering Test Unit, Kairos Power
Kairos seeks to optimize electroanalytical sensors to enable stable measurements of industrial-scale FLIBE salt in the Kairos Power Engineering Test Unit (ETU). The work proposed would provide a direct benefit to the development of the HERMES reactor.
Modeling of Two-Phase Boiling Flow and Critical Heat Flux with the Star-CCM+® and NEK-2P CFD Codes, Framatome Inc.
This project focuses on the development, implementation, and initial validation of the STAR-CCM+® user-defined functionality for the two-fluid two-phase model (2F-2P). The focus will be on modeling two-phase boiling flow in realistic fuel-bundle geometries, including specific spacer geometries.
Deployment and Characterization Support for USNC Pilot Fuel Manufacturing Facility, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corp.
By leveraging Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s lab capabilities, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation will further the efficient deployment and operation of manufacturing modules at their facilities.