Past Voucher Awards
The successes and significant contributions of past GAIN NE voucher recipients have real-world impacts on our energy future. GAIN is proud to provide these nuclear innovators with a single point of access to the broad range of capabilities — people, facilities, materials, and data — across the Department of Energy’s complex and its National Lab capabilities.
Past Voucher Recipients
Horizontal Refueling and Remote Handling Design Review, Boston Atomics
The Remote Systems Group (RSG) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will perform a three-stage design review focused on operations, the detailed design, and a failure modes and effects analysis. Their experience base is uniquely valuable to MIGHTR and In-Vesel Fuel Handling Machine (IVFHM) development. This project will mitigate the risk of operational complexity by…
Assessment of NuScale SMR Steam Heat Augmentation for Chemical Plant Decarbonization, NuScale Power
NuScale will partner with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to perform a techno-economic analysis of a NuScale plant with a novel heat augmentation system for application to a commercial scale chemical production facility to help understand the functional requirements for the system and determine best ways to integrate with the facility.
Salt to Metal to Salt Heat Transfer in Narrow Fuel Pins, Moltex Energy
The objective of this project is to understand heat transfer for the novel molten fuel salt pin in a molten salt core concept. Heat transfer due to natural convection driven flow is a very complex phenomenon owing to the range of active length scales.
ICP-MS for Analysis of Lithium Isotopic Ratios in Materials Highly Enriched in 7Li, Kairos Power
The goal of this project would be to evaluate performance capabilities of instruments and develop standardized hardware configurations and operating procedures to analyze lithium isotopic ratios to support production of Flibe coolant that is highly enriched in 7Li.
PIE-Enabled Study of Aqueous Corrosion & Zr Hydriding in Cr-Coated Cladding, Westinghouse
The objective of this project is to enhance understanding of aqueous corrosion and hydrogen transport for Zr hydride formation in Cr-coated claddings, as a function of the Cr-coating deposition method (cold spray (CS) or physical vapor deposition (PVD)).
Post-Irradiation Examination to Quantify Irradiation-Induced Bowing of SiGA® Silicon Carbide Composite Structures, General Atomics
This project will address first-of-a-kind (FOAK) experimental post-irradiation examination (PIE) of irradiation-induced bowing response in SiC-SiC structures.
Development of Cladding Protective coating for FOAK ARC-100 Facility, ARC Clean Technology
This project will support the qualification of ARC’s fuel, by demonstrating the potential use of a barrier on the cladding to prevent fuel cladding chemical interaction (FCCI).
Advanced Moderator Module Validation for the Alpha Tech Micro Molten Salt Reactor, Alpha Tech Research Corp
The ARC Reactor is a thermal spectrum molten salt microreactor that uses low-enriched uranium fuel and operates at the high temperature of 600°C. Alpha Tech has identified YH2-x as an exceptional moderator that experiences little to no swelling.
High Temperature Neutron Flux Detector – Reactor Testing, Ultra Energy
Ultra has developed a prototype detector but to complete the anticipated testing program for the prototype detector and demonstrate suitable operation at reactor flux levels, the detector requires testing at fluxes equivalent to those typically seen in power reactor operation (1E10 – 1E11nv).
Redox Potentials for Proliferation-Hardened Actinide Recovery in NuCycle, Curio Solutions
The project will acquire reduction potentials for NuCycle’s electrolysis process that will allow: (1) the implementation of safeguards by design, and (2) the generation of a coextracted actinide product meeting recycle specifications.