Past Voucher Awards
The successes and significant contributions of past GAIN NE voucher recipients have real-world impacts on our energy future. GAIN is proud to provide these nuclear innovators with a single point of access to the broad range of capabilities — people, facilities, materials, and data — across the Department of Energy’s complex and its National Lab capabilities.
Past Voucher Recipients
SMR Containment Cable and EPA System, Engineered Solutions Group, LLC.
ESG has designed a cable routing system with connectors and EPA that protects cables from water exposure. This project will enable ESG to develop this technology to support current and future SMR designs.
Development of Casting Techniques for δ-phase Uranium-Zirconium Alloys, Lightbridge Corp.
The objective of this project is to determine the optimal casting process for the Lightbridge δphase U-Zr alloy using a depleted uranium (DU) zirconium surrogate in the Radiochemical Processing Laboratory (RPL) which is located at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
Experimental and Systems-Level Validation of Thermal-Hydraulic Behavior in SFRs, Oklo Inc.
The objective of this project is to generate high-pedigree experimental data to help to validate the systems analysis codes SAS4A/SASSYS-1 and SAM which can be used to inform advanced reactor designers on thermal-hydraulic behavior during transients as well as support licensing activities.
Microreactor Control Drum Failure Simulation, Radiant
The objective of this project is to couple Serpent and Griffin to enable a thermal-hydraulics and neutronics multiphysics model of the transient scenario which will accelerate Radiant’s reactor design process.
Multiphysics Design Optimization and Additive Manufacturing of Nuclear Components, Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC
Westinghouse and Oak Ridge National Laboratory will use multiphysics design optimization methods and additive manufacturing to help develop new nuclear components as well as optimized replacements to existing components that are optimum for meeting design requirements and are manufacturable.
Advanced Nuclear Fuel Pellet Designs, Exelon Nuclear
The objective of this project is to explore a number of advanced heterogenous fuel design concepts to improve the operational, safety, and economic performance of existing power plants.
Density Measurements of Plutonium Bearing Salts via Neutron Beam Dilatometry, TerraPower LLC
The objective of this project is to determine the density of actinidemolten salt solutions using neutron dilatometry.
RELAP5-3D Development and Assessment for Liquid-fuels Molten Salt Reactor Licensure, Natura Resources, LLC
The objective of this project is to assess the RELAP5- 3D code for application to the MSRR design and licensing pathway to resolve data limitations for both the input models for the plant design and models specific to the liquid fuel molten salt core.
Pebble Bed Large Eddy Simulations for Lower Order Methods Benchmarking and Uncertainty Quantification Development, Kairos Power
The objective of this project is to use Large Eddy Simulations (LES) to produce numerical benchmark data that captures local velocity and temperature effects, and this data will have an immediate impact to accelerate technology development, enable economic optimization, and reduce regulatory uncertainty.
Thermophysical Properties Measurements of NaCl-PuCl3, TerraPower LLC.
The objective of this project was to exact high quality, traceable data that quantifies composition dependencies and measurement uncertainty to inform operating conditions, which is paramount for proper design in any reactor, especially a liquid-fueled molten salt reactor.
Graphite Finite Element Model Verification, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation
The benchmarks, analytical solutions, and failure criteria developed during this project will be used directly by USNC-Tech to evaluate the current graphite core design of the MMR™ reactor, resulting in an optimized core and a down-selection of the graphite used for the core.
Coupled Neutronic and Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of a Natural Circulation Based Small Modular Reactor Using VERA-CS, SMR, LLC
The objective of this project was to analyze reactor core and system behavior in response to anticipated transients and accident scenarios and to use the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) code suite, which employs multi-physics simulation to model feedback behavior in the reactor core.
Addressing Gaps in Legacy Data on Fuel Steel Interactions, Oklo, Inc.
To broaden the understanding of fuel-clad chemical interactions (FCCI), Oklo partnered with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to conduct an out-of-pile experimental investigation into FCCI behavior that addresses each of these variables in order to expand the operating envelopes to better align with the Aurora reactor as well as other advanced concepts.
Combined Effects Testing of High- Temperature and Neutron Fluence to Support the Qualification of NE-300, a High-Temperature Neutron Shielding Material, Neutroelectric, LLC
Neutroelectric and Oak Ridge National Laboratory will perform critical combined tests at the High Flux Isotope Reactor in support of qualification of this new material, NE-300, for use in commercial nuclear reactor applications.
Advanced Test Reactor Experiment Design for Measurement of Lightbridge Fuel™ Thermophysical Properties, Lightbridge Corp.
The scope of this project included the design of an experiment for irradiating Lightbridge metallic fuel material samples in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL).