U.S. Department of Energy Establishes High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium Consortium
December 7, 2022
WASHINGTON, D.C.— The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced the establishment of a high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) consortium. The HALEU Consortium will help inform DOE activities to secure a domestic supply of HALEU—a crucial material needed to develop and deploy advanced reactors in the United States. Membership is free and open to any U.S. entity involved in the nuclear fuel cycle. At its discretion, DOE may also accept requests for membership in the consortium from entities whose facilities are located in ally or partner nations.
The HALEU Consortium is part of the HALEU Availability Program, established under the Energy Act of 2020, to support the availability of HALEU for civilian domestic research, development, demonstration, and commercial use. HALEU is not available at commercial scale from domestic suppliers and could threaten the deployment of advanced reactors if not addressed.
Entities interested in joining the HALEU Consortium should send an email to [email protected].
The request submitted should explain their involvement in the nuclear fuel cycle and interest in partnering with DOE, along with the name(s) of your representative, email, and phone number.
Membership requires approval by the Office of Nuclear Energy. Interested parties may register more than one individual.
Please visit the HALEU Consortium Federal Register Notice or HALEU Consortium website for more information.