GAIN Webinar
Trends in State Level Energy Markets and Policy presented by ENVOY Public Labs
December 1, 2020
Since the summer of 2018, GAIN has conducted targeted outreach to key stakeholders in energy planning and policy at the state and local levels in six Western US states, including Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming. Envoy Public Labs was the engine behind this direct outreach with the states. The states examined have revealed emerging subnational factors and trends that will impact the deployment of advanced nuclear technologies in this decade and beyond.
GAIN hosted a webinar on December 1st to brief AR developers and other important stakeholders in advanced reactors on EPL’s findings to date and ongoing work. The webinar highlighted broader trends developing in energy markets and policy in the Western US, as well as factors driving change in aggressively decarbonizing states (e.g. Colorado, Washington), fossil-fuel dependent states (e.g. North Dakota, Wyoming), and states with unique governing situations (e.g. Arizona, Minnesota).