Community Engagement

The GAIN team is engaging with nuclear-curious communities around the country as they consider advanced nuclear technologies. We are investigating, documenting and sharing the differences and similarities for communities as they move through the process in hopes that we can provide examples and opportunities when new communities and their partners start down this path.​ For more information about the benefits of nuclear technology, contact Michele Zietlow-Miller, GAIN Public Engagement Manager, at [email protected] or 515-450-4427.

Types of Assistance

To see where GAIN is going this week check our LinkedIn page: GAINnuclear

C-Leap Technical Assistance: GAIN provides technical assistance to energy burdened communities that are considering nuclear and are awarded a DOE Communities Local Energy Action Program (C-LEAP) Grant.

Cohort 2 Communities with GAIN Assistance:

CommunityTechnical Assistance Areas
Eastern Kentucky,
Advanced Nuclear Technology and Support for Existing Reactors
Northwest Colorado,
Clean Energy Planning and Development; Carbon Capture and Storage; Critical Minerals Resource Potential from Energy Wastes and By-Products; New or Enhanced Manufacturing; Advanced Nuclear Technology and Support for Existing Reactors
Rosebud and Treasure Counties,
Clean Energy Planning and Development; Carbon Capture and Storage; Critical Minerals Resource Potential from Energy Wastes and By-Products; Advanced Nuclear Technology and Support for Existing Reactors
Southwestern Pennsylvania,
Clean Energy Planning and Development; Carbon Capture and Storage; New or Enhanced Manufacturing; Advanced Nuclear Technology and Support for Existing Reactors
Utah’s Coal Country,
Clean Energy Planning and Development; Clean Transportation Planning; Carbon Capture and Storage; Community Resilience Microgrids; Advanced Nuclear Technology and Support for Existing Reactors

To learn more click here: Communities LEAP | Department of Energy

Adding Nuclear to Existing Sites: GAIN has compiled information applicable to coal communities considering transitioning to nuclear energy including benefits, challenges, siting considerations and more. To learn more, click here: Transitioning to Nuclear – Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear

Legislation: GAIN, with assistance from Envoy Public Labs, tracks legislation related to nuclear energy. GAIN developed a menu of policy options document to inform states of nuclear policy trends and example legislation. Reach out to the state leads below for more information on state policy.

State Resources: GAIN has compiled resources to help states consider nuclear technology. The resources cover the topics of cost, policy, coal, siting and licensing, technology, supply chain, and transmission.

News and Funding Opportunities: GAIN tracks industry news and funding opportunities from the DOE that will assist communities on their journey to explore advanced nuclear.

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