Past Voucher Award Recipient
Aalo Atomics
partnered with
Idaho National Laboratory
Independent Code-to-Code Verification of Aalo-1 Fuel and Core Performance, NE-24-32534
ABSTRACT: Aalo Atomics is a reactor developer working on a sodium-cooled microreactor located in Ausn, Texas. Their vision is to enable humanity to progress unfetered by its environmental footprint by pioneering the second atomic age.
Aalo Atomics is looking to leverage the learnings of the MARVEL microreactor technology to pioneer an economically atracve, intrinsically safe, liquid-metal-cooled advanced reactor for commercial use. To support this development Aalo is looking for an independent code-to-code verificaon to support verificaon as needed by nuclear quality assurance standards.
Aalo will partner with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to perform independent analyses on fuel performance using the BISON code as well as thermal-hydraulics using RELAP5-3D. This work will support the independent code-to-code verification to support Aalo’s future licensing efforts.