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U.S. Department of energy to aquire high-assay low-enriched uranium material
June 5, 2023
DOE Seeks feedback on two draft requests for proposals for haleu supply chain services
WASHINGTON, D.C.— The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking feedback on two draft requests for proposals (RFPs) to acquire high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU)—a crucial material needed to develop and deploy advanced reactors in the United States.
The first draft RFP focuses on acquiring services for production of HALEU material. The second focuses on deconversion activities to convert enriched uranium hexafluoride gas into metal or oxide forms used to fabricate fuels needed by various advanced reactor developers.
DOE is looking for feedback on the draft solicitations, including the goals, scope, and selection criteria. DOE will use that feedback to inform the final RFPs to be issued later this year. The draft RFPs are open for public comment until July 6.