Providing access to information that advances nuclear energy technologies toward commercialization, while ensuring the continued safe, reliable, and economic operation of the existing nuclear fleet, is at the core of GAIN’s mission.
Wyoming: Trends in State-Level Energy Markets and Policy Report
Meta-Analysis of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Cost Estimations
Taxonomic Guidance on Advanced Reactors
Advanced Reactor Supply Chain Assessment, April 2023
Heat Storage Coupled to Generation IV Reactors for Variable Electricity from Baseload Reactors
EPRI’s Repowering Coal-Fired Power Plants For Advanced Nuclear Generation White Paper
Gone with the Steam: How New Nuclear Power Plants Can Re-energize Communities When Coal Plants Close
Investigating Benefits and Challenges of Converting Retiring Coal Plants into Nuclear Plants
Transitioning Coal Power Plants to Nuclear Power Report by INL
Trends in State-Level Energy Markets and Policy
North Dakota: Trends in State-Level Energy Markets & Policy Report
GAIN Innovative Materials Research Workshop Summary Report
Experimental Validation of Nondestructive Assay Capabilities for Molten Salt Safeguards FY20
Evaluation of Optical Techniques for Molten Salt Reactor Materials Control and Accounting
Domestic Safeguards Material Control and Accountancy Considerations for Molten Salt Reactors
Advanced Reactor Safeguards: Nuclear Material Control and Accounting for Pebble Bed Reactors
U.S. Domestic Small Modular Reactor Security by Design
High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium Demand and Deployment Options
Molten Salt Reactor Signatures And Modeling Study
Trends in State-Level Energy Markets and Policy
Innovative Materials Research Workshop
Welcome Presentation for the GAIN Innovative Materials Research Workshop
Properties of Advanced ODS Alloys and Routes for Application
Accessing the High Damage Regime with Ion Irradiation in the SNAP Program
GAIN Innovative Nuclear Materials Program Overview
Innovative Materials for Advanced Reactor Cladding
Capability Needs for Irradiated and Radioactive Material
Fuel Cladding Materials for the Westinghouse Lead Fast Reactor
Structural and Salt Facing Material Needs Molten Chloride Fast Reactor
Small Modular Reactor Security by Design and Analysis
Performance of DMA Fused Radar and Video
Unique Sabotage Targets for Advanced Reactors
Advanced Reactor Safeguards: Program Overview
Domestic Safeguards & Security Challenges for HALEU
Treatment of Uncertainty in a Risk-Informed Licensing Approach
Advanced Safeguards and Securities Workshop Overview
Technical and Regulatory Considerations for Microreactor NDA Measurements
Pebble Bed Reactors Material Control and Accounting
Material Control Technique Validation for Pebble Fueled Reactors
Machine Learning in Safeguards at Pebble Bed Reactors
Material Control and Accounting in Pebble Bed Reactors
Safeguards Philosophy and Needs
Framework for Microreactor Safeguards and Security
Materials Control & Accounting for Molten Salt Reactors
Molten Salt Reactor Safeguards Modeling
Online Monitoring for Molten Salt Reactor and Matieral Control & Accounting
Flow Enhanced Electrochemical Sensors for Molten Salt Reactors
Experimental Validation of NDA Capabilities for Molten Salt Reactors
Leveraging IAEA Safeguards Experience for US Advanced Reactors
Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection of GEN-IV Systems
Nuclear Energy Sensors (NES) Website Overview
Advanced Sensor And Instrumentation Program
Integrating Advanced, Real-Time Instrumentation in TREAT Experiments
AGR Instrumentation for Very High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Fuel Experiment
Advanced Reactor Demonstration Facilities
Advanced Reactor Materials Development Roadmap
Probing Nanoscale Damage Gradients in Irradiated Metals Using Nano-Mechanical Test Techniques
NE Microreactor Program Mission and Strategy
Welcome / Importance of Industry Collaboration
DOE-NE Microreactor Program Perspective
Microreactor Program Overview
Systems Integration and Analysis Overview
Microreactor Market Opportunities
Microreactors at Federal Installations
Microreactor Regulatory and Licensing Challenges
Technology Maturation Overview
Material Maturation (Structural Materials / Moderators)