Successful Vouchers
The continued operations of our existing nuclear fleet will be vital to achieving U.S. clean energy goals. To support their efforts, GAIN connects the industry with the technical and financial capabilities required to quickly and cost-effectively develop innovative nuclear energy technologies toward commercial readiness. Below you can learn about those past GAIN NE voucher awardees whose technologies can be used to aid the existing nuclear fleet.
Past NE Vouchers Supporting the Existing Fleet
Assessment of NuScale SMR Steam Heat Augmentation for Chemical Plant Decarbonization, NuScale Power
NuScale will partner with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to perform a techno-economic analysis of a NuScale plant with a novel heat augmentation system for application to a commercial scale chemical production facility to help understand the functional requirements for the system and determine best ways to integrate with the facility.
Extension of Cable Electrical Assessment Techniques to Detect and Discriminate Radiation Aging on Cable Insulation Systems, Kinectrics AES
The objective of this project is to close the gap in the detection and quantification of radiation aging and combined thermal and radiation aging in nuclear cable applications using electrical test methods.
Radiation Testing for High-Resolution, Radiation-Hardened Camera Systems, Vega Wave Systems
Vega Wave Systems has developed a camera head and needs to complete radiation testing to achieve market acceptance and verify radiation tolerance limits.
Advanced Nuclear Fuel Pellet Designs, Exelon Nuclear
The objective of this project is to explore a number of advanced heterogenous fuel design concepts to improve the operational, safety, and economic performance of existing power plants.
Combined Effects Testing of High- Temperature and Neutron Fluence to Support the Qualification of NE-300, a High-Temperature Neutron Shielding Material, Neutroelectric, LLC
Neutroelectric and Oak Ridge National Laboratory will perform critical combined tests at the High Flux Isotope Reactor in support of qualification of this new material, NE-300, for use in commercial nuclear reactor applications.
Nuclear Material Holdup Modeling and Measurement Campaign for the Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility, Westinghouse Electric Co.
Westinghouse Electric Company and Oak Ridge National Laboratory designed and performed an experiment to develop a non-destructive assay measurement method that addressed the challenges of the volumetric deposits within the large ventilation system housings.
Advanced Fuel Stability Analysis Using High-Fidelity LARGE-SCALE Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations, Framatome
The objective of this project was to improve nuclear power generation’s safety and competitiveness by providing robust information about the flow patterns and formations throughout the simulated fluid domain.
Plasma Separation Process Feasibility Study for the Commercial Enrichment of Gadolinium-157, Exelon Generation
The objective of this project was to determine if currently available technology can be used to modernize the PSP to a level of cost-effectiveness to realize the potential cost saving in the nuclear fuel cycle.
Radiation Testing for Nuclear Inspection Systems, Vega Wave Systems
The objective of this project was to test the Enduray Vision System developed by Vega Wave Systems Inc., using 3 MeV X-rays generated by the Van de Graaff system, to assess the radiation tolerance of the system. These tests showed that the Enduray Vision System was 10× more radiation-hard than the best available commercial competitor…