For the convenience of journalists and others interested in learning more about GAIN, we have compiled downloadable assets, which include logos, headshots, fact sheets and other materials. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Donna Kemp Spangler, Communications Strategist, at [email protected] or 208-716-5113 with any questions or additional requests.


GAIN social card
Logo for the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear


Headshot of Christine King, director of GAIN
Christine King
Headshot of Andy Worrall, deputy director of GAIN
Andy Worrall
Headshot of Lori Braase
Lori Braase
Headshot of Donna Kemp Spangler
Donna Kemp Spangler
Headshot of Hussein Khalil
Hussein Khalil
Jonathan Grams
Jonathan Grams
Teresa Krynicki
Teresa Krynicki
Headshot of Chris Lohse, Innovation & Technology Manager of GAIN
Chris Lohse
Headshot of Emily Nichols
Emily Nichols
Headshot of Holly Powell
Holly Powell
Michelle Zietlow-Miller
Michelle Zietlow-Miller

Fact Sheets

GAIN Fact Sheet

GAIN Resource Kit cover image
GAIN Resource Kit

Social Media

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