GAIN NE Vouchers Consolidated List
Click on the Voucher Link Below
Date Awarded | Company Name | Voucher ID | Voucher Link | Status | Proposal Title | Partnering Lab | Reactor Type | Company Type | Work Type | Component Type | |
FY 24.2 | 03/19/24 | Element Factory | NE-24-33427 | Voucher | Cancelled | Investigation of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) Process Development for Graphite Neutron Moderator Production | Idaho National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Manufacturing | Graphite |
FY 24.4 | 09/24/24 | Sigma-Aldrich Inc doing business as MilliporeSigma | NE-24-34975 | Voucher | In Progress | Development of Oxygen IR Calibration Standards for High-Purity Chloride Salts | Idaho National Laboratory | MSR | Supplier | Material Testing | Molten Salt |
FY 24.4 | 09/24/24 | Advanced Nuclear Advisors LLC | NE-24-34953 | Voucher | In Progress | Project SparkHub: Nuclear-Powered Data Center Development | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Licensing | Site |
FY 24.4 | 09/24/24 | Nano Nuclear Energy Inc. | NE-24-34981 | Voucher | In Progress | Independent Assessment of a Novel Heat Exchanger Concept for Open-Air Brayton Cycle | Idaho National Laboratory | Multi | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Heat Exchanger |
FY 24.4 | 09/24/24 | Antares Nuclear, Inc. | NE-24-34974 | Voucher | In Progress | Independent Analysis of Antares R1 Core Design | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 24.3 | 06/20/24 | Terrestrial Energy USA, Inc. | NE-24-33971 | Voucher | In Progress | Thermogravimetric Analysis of IMSR Fuel Salt Simulants | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Molten Salt |
FY 24.3 | 06/20/24 | Entergy Operations, Inc. | NE-24-33965 | Voucher | In Progress | Real-Time Generation Risk Assessment (GRA) Model for Commercial Nuclear Power Plant | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LWR | Utility | Risk Assessment | Multiple |
FY 24.2 | 03/19/24 | Kanata America Inc. | NE-24-33435 | Voucher | In Progress | Thermal Energy Storage with sCO2 Power Conversion for Low Cost Micro Modular Reactors - Heat Transfer and sCO2 Power Cycle Assessment | Sandia National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Experimental Testing | Thermal Energy Storage |
FY 24.2 | 03/19/24 | Oklo Inc. | NE-24-33398 | Voucher | In Progress | Test Vehicle Development to Support Oklo's Advanced Fuels Roadmap | Idaho National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Irradiation and Testing | Fuel |
FY 22.1 | 12/16/21 | Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation | NE-22-27452 | Voucher | Cancelled | Deployment and Characterization Support for USNC Pilot Fuel Manufacturing Facility | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Material Testing | Fuel |
FY 16 | 06/13/16 | Creare LLC | GA-16IN020101 | Voucher | Completed | Investigation of Materials for Continuous Casting of Metallic Nuclear Fuel - INL | Idaho National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Manufacturing | Fuel |
FY 25.1 | 12/19/24 | NuCube Energy | NE-25-36471 | Voucher | In Progress | Heat Exchanger Evaluation | Idaho National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Heat Exchanger |
FY 25.1 | 12/19/24 | Kairos Power, LLC | NE-25-36449 | Voucher | In Progress | Development of Analytical Techniques for Trace Impurities in 2LiF-BeF2 | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Experimental Testing | Molten Salt |
FY 25.1 | 12/19/24 | Deep Fission, Inc. | NE-25-36439 | Voucher | In Progress | Independent Verification and Benchmark of Deep Fission's Deep Borehole Microreactor Thermal Hydraulic System Behavior | Idaho National Laboratory | LWR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 25.1 | 12/19/24 | Curio Solutions | NE-25-36470 | Voucher | In Progress | Analysis of NuCycle(R) Flowsheet for Waste Stream Characterization | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Fuel Cycle | Fuel |
FY 24.1 | 12/19/23 | Westinghouse Electric Company LLC | NE-24-32494 | Voucher | In Progress | Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC) Irradiation Testing | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Irradiation and Testing | Structural Material |
FY 24.1 | 12/19/23 | SHINE Technologies, LLC | NE-24-32490 | Voucher | In Progress | Safeguards Technologies and Assessments to Support Efficient UNF Recycling in the US | Argonne National Laboratory/Sandia National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Safeguards | Fuel |
FY 24.1 | 12/19/23 | Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas LLC | NE-24-32496 | Voucher | In Progress | Confirm Product Quality Achieved by using Electroreduction Technology to convert GNF provided Uranium Oxides to Metal | Argonne National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Material Testing | Fuel |
FY 24.1 | 12/19/23 | Energy Northwest | NE-24-32454 | Voucher | In Progress | Future Climate Projections for Dry and Wet Condenser Cooling Options | Argonne National Laboratory | Multi | Utility | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 24.1 | 12/19/23 | Boston Atomics | NE-24-32526 | Voucher | Cancelled | Horizontal Refueling and Remote Handling Design Review | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Design | Fuel Handling |
FY 24.1 | 12/19/23 | ARC Clean Technology, Inc. | NE-24-32515 | Voucher | In Progress | Improvements to Passive Heat Removal Systems in SAS4A/SASSYS-1 | Argonne National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Heat Exchanger |
FY 24.1 | 12/19/23 | Aalo Atomics | NE-24-32534 | Voucher | In Progress | Independent Code-to-Code Verification of Aalo-1 Fuel and Core Performance | Argonne National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 23.4 | 09/26/23 | NuSclae Power LLC | NE-23-31609 | Voucher | In Progress | Assessment of NuScale SMR Steam Heat Augmentation for Chemical Plant Decarbonization | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LWR | Developer | System Analysis | Energy System |
FY 23.4 | 09/26/23 | Metatomic, Inc | NE-23-32134 | Voucher | In Progress | Metatomic Molten Salt Immersed Hydrochlorination Subsystem Characterization | Savannah River National Laboratory | MSR | Supplier | Fuel Cycle | Fuel |
FY 23.3 | 06/26/23 | General Atomics | NE-23-31249 | Voucher | In Progress | Post-Irradiation Examination to Quantify Irradiation-Induced Bowing of SiGA¨ Silicon Carbide Composite Structures | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LWR | Supplier | Material Testing | Fuel |
FY 23.3 | 06/26/23 | Alpha Tech Research Corp | NE-23-31248 | Voucher | In Progress | Advanced Moderator Module Validation for the Alphatech Micro Molten Salt Reactor | Argonne National Laboratory/Los Alamos National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Experimental Testing | Moderator |
FY 23.3 | 06/26/23 | Moltex Energy USA LLC | NE-23-31247 | Voucher | In Progress | Salt to Metal to Salt Heat Transfer in Narrow Fuel Pins | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 23.3 | 06/26/23 | Westinghouse Electric Company LLC | NE-23-31246 | Voucher | In Progress | PIE-Enabled Study of Aqueous Corrosion & Zr Hydriding in Cr-Coated Cladding | Idaho National Laboratory/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | LWR | Supplier | Material Testing | Fuel |
FY 23.3 | 06/26/23 | Ultra Energy | NE-23-31237 | Voucher | In Progress | High Temperature Neutron Flux Detector - Reactor Testing | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Sensor |
FY 23.3 | 06/26/23 | Kairos Power, LLC | NE-23-31236 | Voucher | In Progress | ICP-MS For Analysis of Lithium Isotopic Ratios in Materials Highly Enriched in 7Li | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Experimental Testing | Molten Salt |
FY 23.3 | 06/26/23 | ARC Clean Technology, Inc. | NE-23-31110 | Voucher | In Progress | Development of Cladding Protective Coating for FOAK ARC-100 Reactor Facility | Argonne National Laboratory/Idaho National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Experimental Testing | Fuel |
FY 23.2 | 03/21/23 | Curio Solutions, LLC | NE-23-30938 | Voucher | In Progress | Redox Potentials for Proliferation-Hardened Actinide Recovery in NuCycle | Idaho National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Fuel Cycle | Fuel |
FY 23.1 | 12/15/22 | DOW | NE-23-29899 | Voucher | Completed | Assessment of SMRs for Dow | Idaho National Laboratory | Multi | Energy User | System Analysis | Energy System |
FY 23.1 | 12/15/22 | Radiant Industries | NE-23-29919 | Voucher | In Progress | An Advanced Multiphysics Simulation Capability for RadiantÕs Microreactor Design and Shielding Analysis | Argonne National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 23.1 | 12/15/22 | Flibe Energy, Inc | NE-23-29866 | Voucher | Completed | Thermal Property Measurements for an LEU-Fueled Molten Salt Reactor | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Molten Salt |
FY 23.1 | 12/15/22 | Oklo | NE-23-29915 | Voucher | In Progress | Experimental and Software Validation of Integral Thermal-hydraulic Behavior in Fuel Assemblies | Argonne National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Thermal Hydraulic Testing | Fuel |
FY 22.4 | 10/10/22 | Tennessee Valley Authority | NE-22-28755 | Voucher | Cancelled | TVA Siting Study | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Utility | Licensing | Site |
FY 22.4 | 10/10/22 | Elementl Power | NE-22-28752 | Voucher | In Progress | Elementl Power | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Licensing | Site |
FY 22.4 | 10/10/22 | Curio Solutions | NE-22-28754 | Voucher | In Progress | Criticality Safety Analysis for NuCycle | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Criticality | Fuel |
FY 22.3 | 06/22/22 | TerraPower, LLC | NE-22-28590 | Voucher | Completed | Chlorine Nuclear Data Measurement and Evaluation | Los Alamos National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Nuclear Data | Fuel |
FY 22.3 | 06/22/22 | Orano Federal Services LLC | NE-22-28597 | Voucher | In Progress | LEU+ UF6 Physical Chemistry Study | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Criticality | Transport Canister |
FY 22.2 | 03/22/22 | Exodys Energy Inc. (Elysium Industries) | NE-22-28334 | Voucher | In Progress | Advanced Functional Membrane Testing for Noble Gas Management in a Molten Salt Reactor | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Testing | Off Gas |
FY 22.2 | 03/22/22 | Terrestrial Energy USA, Inc. | NE-22-28244 | Voucher | In Progress | Investigation of the Structural Integrity and Corrosion Resistance of Surface Treatment on Alloy-709 in a Molten Fluoride Salt Environment | Idaho National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Testing | Multiple |
FY 22.2 | 03/22/22 | Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation | NE-22-28230 | Voucher | Cancelled | Support for Analysis of USNC Micro Modular Reactor Fuel Performance | Idaho National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 22.2 | 03/22/22 | Kairos Power, LLC | NE-22-28066 | Voucher | Completed | Deployment of advanced electroanalytical sensors and chemistry control strategies in the Kairos Power Engineering Test Unit (ETU) | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Experimental Testing | Sensor |
FY 22.1 | 12/16/21 | Framatome Inc. | NE-22-27436 | Voucher | Completed | Modeling of Two-Phase Boiling Flow and Critical Heat Flux with the Star-CCM+¨ and NEK-2P CFD Codes | Argonne National Laboratory | LWR | Supplier | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 21.4 | 10/12/21 | Kinectrics AES Inc | NE-21-26492 | Voucher | Completed | Extension of Cable Electrical Assessment Techniques to Detect and Discriminate Radiation Aging on Cable Insulation Systems | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Cables |
FY 21.3 | 06/10/21 | Engineered Solutions Group LLC | NE-21-26418 | Voucher | In Progress | SMR Containment Cable and EPA System | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Cables |
FY 21.3 | 06/10/21 | Vega Wave Systems, Inc. | NE-21-26414 | Voucher | Completed | Radiation Testing for High-Resolution, Radiation-Hardened Camera Systems | Argonne National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Camera |
FY 21.2 | 03/25/21 | Lightbridge Corporation | NE-21-25980 | Voucher | Completed | Development of Casting Techniques for _-phase Uranium-Zirconium Alloys | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Manufacturing | Fuel |
FY 21.2 | 03/25/21 | Oklo | NE-21-26096 | Voucher | Completed | Experimental and systems-level validation of thermal-hydraulic behavior in SFRs | Argonne National Labotatory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Thermal Hydraulic Testing | Reactor System |
FY 21.2 | 03/25/21 | Radiant Industries | NE-21-26061 | Voucher | Completed | Microreactor Control Drum Failure Simulation | Idaho National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 21.1 | 12/21/20 | Exelon Generation | NE-21-25133 | Voucher | Completed | Advanced Nuclear Fuel Pellet Designs | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LWR | Utility | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 21.1 | 12/21/20 | Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC | NE-21-25129 | Voucher | Completed | Multiphysics Design Optimization and Additive Manufacturing of Nuclear Components | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Developer | Manufacturing | Multiple |
FY 21.1 | 12/21/20 | TerraPower LLC | NE-21-25117 | Voucher | Completed | Density Measurements of Plutonium Bearing Salts via Neutron Beam Dilatometry | Los Alamos National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Molten Salt |
FY 20.4 | 09/16/20 | Kairos Power, LLC | NE-20-23946 | Voucher | Completed | Pebble Bed Large Eddy Simulations for Lower Order Methods Benchmarking and Uncertainty Quantification Development | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Core Flow |
FY 20.4 | 09/16/20 | TerraPower LLC | NE-20-23944 | Voucher | Completed | Thermophysical Properties Measurements of NaCl-PuCl3 | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Molten Salt |
FY 20.4 | 09/16/20 | Natura Resources LLC | NE-20-23935 | Voucher | Completed | RELAP5-3D Development and Assessment for Liquid-fuels Molten Salt Reactor Licensure | Idaho National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Transient Analysis |
FY 20.3 | 06/11/20 | Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation | NE-20-23742 | Voucher | Completed | Graphite Finite Element Model Verification | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Moderator |
FY 20.3 | 06/11/20 | SMR, LLC | NE-20-23665 | Voucher | Completed | Coupled neutronic and thermal hydraulic analysis of a natural circulation based small modular reactor using VERA-CS | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LWR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 20.2 | 03/12/20 | Oklo | NE-20-23491 | Voucher | Completed | Addressing gaps in legacy data on fuel steel interactions | Idaho National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Experimental Testing | Fuel |
FY 20.2 | 03/12/20 | Neutroelectric, LLC | NE-20-23439 | Voucher | Completed | Combined Effects Testing of High-Temperature and Neutron Fluence to Support the Qualification of NE-300, a High-Temperature Neutron Shielding Material | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Shielding |
FY 20.1 | 09/19/19 | Lightbridge Corporation | NE-20-21540 | Voucher | Completed | Advanced Test Reactor Experiment Design for Measurement of Lightbridge Fuelª Thermophysical Properties | Idaho National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Fuel |
FY 20.1 | 09/19/19 | Hydromine, Inc. | NE-20-21392 | Voucher | Completed | On-Line Lead/Water Heat Exchanger Sensor/System Feasibility | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Supplier | Nondestructive Testing | Heat Exchanger |
FY 19.4 | 09/19/19 | HolosGen, LLC | NE-19-19020 | Voucher | Completed | Advanced Coolant and Moderator Enclosure Solutions for Micro Gas Cooled Reactors with Enhanced Efficiency and Safety | Argonne National Laboratory | HTGR | Developer | Material Testing | Moderator |
FY 19.4 | 06/19/19 | Analysis & Measurement Services Corporation (AMS) | NE-19-19013 | Voucher | Completed | Testing of I&C Sensors and Cables for SMRs | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LWR | Supplier | Thermal Hydraulic Testing | Sensor |
FY 19.3 | 06/19/19 | TerraPower LLC | NE-19-18709 | Voucher | Completed | GAIN Voucher for development of Severe Accident Modeling capabilities within SAS4A/SASSYS-1 | Argonne National Laboratory | Multi | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 19.3 | 06/19/19 | Flibe Energy, Inc | NE-19-18706 | Voucher | Completed | Metal Organic Frameworks for Noble Gas Management in the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Testing | Off Gas |
FY 19.3 | 06/19/19 | Westinghouse Electric Company, Columbia Fuel | NE-19-18711 | Voucher | Completed | Nuclear Material Holdup Modeling and Measurement Campaign | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Developer | Safeguards | Fabrication |
FY 19.2 | 04/04/19 | Kairos Power, LLC | NE-19-18417 | Voucher | Completed | Develop ASME Section III Division 5 design rules for elevated temperature cladded Class A Type 316 stainless steel components | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Multiple |
FY 19.2 | 04/04/19 | Flibe Energy, Inc | NE-19-18380 | Voucher | Completed | LFTR Preliminary Safeguards Assessment | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Safeguards | Reactor System |
FY 19.2 | 04/04/19 | Framatome Inc. | NE-19-18484 | Voucher | Completed | Advanced Metallic U-Zr Fuel for LWR Applications Ð FMEA and PIRT Development | Idaho National Laboratory | LWR | Developer | Licensing | Fuel |
FY 19.1 | 01/24/19 | Framatome Inc. | NE-19-17592 | Voucher | Completed | Advanced Fuel Stability Analysis Using High-Fidelity Large Scale Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations | Argonne National Laboratory | LWR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 19.1 | 01/24/19 | Kairos Power, LLC | NE-19-17638 | Voucher | Completed | Chemical Method Development for Quantifying Oxygen in Beryllium Salts | Argonne National Laboratory/Oak Ridge National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Testing | Molten Salt |
FY 19.1 | 01/24/19 | General Electric Hitachi Nuclear Energy | NE-19-17634 | Voucher | Completed | Enabling System Technologies to Improve the Economics and Performance of Existing LWRs and Advanced BWR Plants: Improving Offgas System Performance | Argonne National Laboratory/Idaho National Laboratory | LWR | Developer | Design | Off Gas |
FY 18.3 | 11/13/18 | Eastman Chemical Company | NE-18-16170 | Voucher | Completed | Integrated Nuclear Hybrid Energy System | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Energy User | System Analysis | Energy System |
FY 18.3 | 11/13/18 | Exelon Generation | NE-18-16146 | Voucher | Completed | Plasma Separation Process Feasibility Study for the Commercial Enrichment of Gadolinium-157 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LWR | Utility | Fuel Cycle | Fuel |
FY 18.3 | 11/13/18 | Elysium Industries USA | NE-18-16168 | Voucher | Completed | Assessing Fuel Cycle Options for Elysium Molten Chloride salt Fast Reactor (MCSFR) from Spent Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium, and Depleted Uranium | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 18.3 | 11/13/18 | NexDefense (Dragos) | NE-18-16180 | Voucher | Completed | NexDefense - Nuclear Cybersecurity Initiative | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Safeguards | Cybersecurity |
FY 18.3 | 11/13/18 | Westinghouse Electric Company | NE-18-16167 | Voucher | Completed | Development and Testing of Alumina-forming Austenitic Stainless Steels for Lead Fast Reactor Application | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Material Testing | Multiple |
FY 18-2 | 07/10/18 | Yellowstone Energy | NE-18-16115 | Voucher | Cancelled | Characterization of the Radiation Stability of Molten Nitrate/Nitrite Salts for use as Heat Transfer Fluids in Nuclear Reactor Power Plant | Sandia National Laboratory | ||||
FY 18.2 | 07/10/18 | ThorCon US Inc | NE-18-16098 | Voucher | Completed | Quantify Sodium Fluoride/Beryllium Fluoride Salt Properties for Liquid Fueled Fluoride Molten Salt Reactors | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Molten Salt |
FY 18.1 | 04/27/18 | Terrestrial Energy USA, Inc. | RFA-18-15368 | Voucher | Cancelled | Advancement of Instrumentation to Monitor IMSR Core Temoerature and Power Level | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | ||||
FY 18.1 | 04/27/18 | Urbix Resources, LLC | RFA-18-15827 | Voucher | Completed | Graphite Characterization | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Manufacturing | Moderator |
FY 18.1 | 04/27/18 | ThorCon US Inc | RFA-18-15820 | Voucher | Completed | Electroanalytical Sensors for Liquid Fueled Fluoride Molten Salt Reactor | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Design | Sensor |
FY 18.1 | 04/27/18 | Oklo | RFA-18-15829 | Voucher | Completed | Supporting the development of modern simulation tools | Argonne National Laboratory/Idaho National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 18.1 | 04/27/18 | Vega Wave Systems, Inc. | RFA-18-15451 | Voucher | Completed | Radiation Testing for Nuclear Inspection Systems | Argonne National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Camera |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Columbia Basin Consulting Group | RFA-17-14597 | Voucher | Completed | Methodology for Meeting Containment System Principal Design Criteria for Heavy Metal Fast Reactor Systems | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Licensing | Containment |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | MicroNuclear LLC | RFA-17-14575 | Voucher | Completed | Development of the Microscale Nuclear Battery Reactor System | Idaho National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Fauske & Associates | RFA-17-14611 | Voucher | Completed | Development of an Integrated Mechanistic Source Term Assessment Capability for Lead- and Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors | Argonne National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Supplier | Modeling and Simulation | Source Term |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Elysium Industries USA | RFA-17-14592 | Voucher | Completed | Synthesis of Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor Fuel Salt from Spent Nuclear Fuel | Argonne National Laboratory/Idaho National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Manufacturing | Fuel |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | DYNAC | RFA-17-14639 | Voucher | Completed | Dynamic Natural Convection System | Idaho National Laboratory | LWR | Supplier | Modeling and Simulation | Heat Exchanger |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Kairos Power, LLC | RFA-17-14580 | Voucher | Completed | NEAMS [Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation] Thermal-Fluids Test Stand for Fluoride-Salt- Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Development | Argonne National Laboratory/Idaho National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Heat Exchanger |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Transatomic Power | RFA-17-14583 | Voucher | Completed | Fuel Salt Characterization | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Molten Salt |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Analysis & Measurement Services Corporation (AMS) | RFA-17-14612 | Voucher | Completed | Radiation Aging of Nuclear Power Plant Components | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Sensor |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Terrestrial Energy USA, Inc. | RFA-17-14615 | Voucher | Completed | IMSR¨ [Integral Molten Salt Reactor] Fuel Salt Property Confirmation: Thermal conductivity and Viscosity | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Molten Salt |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | GSE Performance Solutions, Inc. | RFA-17-14602 | Voucher | Completed | Human Factors Engineering for the Move to Digital Control Systems Ð Improved Strategies for Operations | Idaho National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Human Factors | Control System |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Muons, Inc. | RFA-17-14589 | Voucher | Completed | Conversion of Light Water Reactor Spent Nuclear fuel to Fluoride Salt Fuel | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | Oklo | RFA-17-14606 | Voucher | Completed | Risk-Informed Mechanistic Source Term Calculations for a Compact Fast Reactor | Sandia National Laboratory/Argonne National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Source Term |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | SMR, LLC | RFA-17-14585 | Voucher | Completed | Small Modular Reactor-160 Primary Flow Stability | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LWR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Reactor System |
FY 17 | 06/26/17 | NuVision | RFA-17-14621 | Voucher | Completed | Evaluation of Power Fluidic Pumping Technology for Molten Salt Reactor Applications | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | MSR | Supplier | Expert Consulting | Pump |
FY 16 | 06/13/16 | Terrestrial Energy USA, Inc. | GA-16AN020102 | Voucher | Completed | Verification of Molten-Salt Properties at High Temperatures | Argonne National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Material Properties | Molten Salt |
FY 16 | 06/13/16 | Columbia Basin Consulting Group | GA-17PN020110 | Voucher | Completed | Lead-Bismuth Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Licensing Development | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Licensing | Reactor System |
FY 16 | 06/13/16 | Transatomic Power | GA-17OR020109 | Voucher | Completed | Optimization and Assessment of the Neutronics and Fuel Cycle Performance of the Transatomic Power Molten Salt Reactor Design | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | MSR | Developer | Modeling and Simulation | Fuel |
FY 16 | 06/13/16 | Oklo | GA-17IN020107 | Voucher | Completed | Legacy Metal Fuel Data Exploration for Commercial Scale-Up | Argonne National Laboratory/Idaho National Laboratory | Liquid Metal | Developer | Manufacturing | Fuel |
FY 16 | 06/13/16 | Ceramic Tubular Products | GA-17IN020106 | Voucher | Completed | Robust Silicon Carbide Cladding for LWR Application - Corrosion and Irradiation Proof Test of Low Cost Innovations in MIT Research Reactor | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | LWR | Supplier | Irradiation and Testing | Fuel |
FY 16 | 06/13/16 | BGTL LLC | GA-17AN020104 | Voucher | Completed | High Efficiency and Low Cost Thermal Energy Storage System | Argonne National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Modeling and Simulation | Energy Storage |
FY 16 | 06/13/16 | CompRex | GA-17AN020103 | Voucher | Completed | High Efficiency Heat Exchanger for High Temperature and High Pressure Applications | Argonne National Laboratory | Multi | Supplier | Modeling and Simulation | Heat Exchanger |