Past Voucher Awards
The successes and significant contributions of past GAIN NE voucher recipients have real-world impacts on our energy future. GAIN is proud to provide these nuclear innovators with a single point of access to the broad range of capabilities — people, facilities, materials, and data — across the Department of Energy’s complex and its National Lab capabilities.
Past Voucher Recipients
Human Factors Engineering for the Move to Digital Control Systems – Improved Strategies for Operations, GSE Systems
The objective of this project was to develop a simple system that allows control of a plant simulator from a workstation. Called the Task Engine for Job and User Notification (TEJUN, also the Japanese word for “procedure”), the system is a web-based application that allows procedures to be authored in an easy-to-read document format.
NEAMS [Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation] ThermalFluids Test Stand for Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High- Temperature Reactor Development, Kairos Power LLC
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and Kairos Power, LLC partnered to implement a multiscale thermal-fluids hierarchy analysis methodology for Kairos’ fluoride high-temperature reactor (FHR). The project demonstrated Kairos Power’s design optimization process for the heat exchanger, a vital component of the reactor’s design.
Development of the Microscale Nuclear Battery Reactor System, Micro Nuclear LLC
The objective of this project was to determine the design feasibility of Micro Nuclear LLC’s Molten Salt Nuclear Battery (MsNB) by performing computational analysis and discussing the likely multiphysics modeling challenges while coupling thermal hydraulics and neutronics.
Evaluation of Power Fluidic Pumping Technology for Molten Salt Reactor Applications, Nuvision Engineering, Inc.
The objective of this project was to explore the applicability of Power Fluidics™ (PF) to molten salt systems and to determine if PF technology may be able to fulfill some of the forced-flow testing required in support of MSR R&D.
Risk-Informed Mechanistic Source Term Calculations for a Compact Fast Reactor, Oklo Inc.
The objective of this project was to focus on the coupling of three high fidelity analysis codes for detailed core analysis, an analysis of the Oklo reactor design to assesses the potential for radionuclide release to the environment during accident scenarios, and an assessment and provision of relevant metal fuel data through inspection of post-irradiation…
Small Modular Reactor-160 Primary Flow Stability, SMR Inventec LLC
The objective of this project was to explore the primary flow stability of the SMR-160 and to investigate an unborated core and primary loop, which necessitates active reactivity control with control rods, and the straight tube, once-through steam generator.
Verification of Molten-Salt Properties at High Temperatures; IMSR® [Integral Molten Salt Reactor] Fuel Salt Property Confirmation: Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity, Terrestrial Energy USA
The objective of this project was to procure, prepare, and characterize fluoride salt compositions relevant to Terrestrial Energy USA, Inc.’s Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR®) design. Then, the project set out to investigate the fuel salts’ thermal conductivities, viscosities, and densities.
High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Thermal Energy Storage System, BGTL, LLC
The objective of this project was to develop a conceptual design for a full-size transportable thermal energy storage (TES) unit using a molten aluminum alloy as the high-temperature phase change material for use with different energy systems, including a 150-MWth sodium fast reactor, a coal-fired plant, wind turbines, and photovoltaic solar energy systems.
Robust Silicon Carbide Cladding for LWR Application – Corrosion and Irradiation Proof Test of Low-Cost Innovations in MIT Research Reactor, Ceramic Tubular Products
The objective of this project was to determine what performance improvements could be found in Ceramic Tubular Products’ newly formulated silicon carbide (SiC) TRIPLEX cladding coating.
High Efficiency Heat Exchanger for High Temperature and High Pressure Applications, CompRex, LLC
The objective of this project was to evaluate different heat exchanger designs specified by CompRex using a lab-developed Fortran code to model heat exchange and pressure drop performance.
Optimization and Assessment of the Neutronics and Fuel Cycle Performance of the Transatomic Power Molten Salt Reactor Design, Transatomic Power Corp.
The objective of this project was to provide Transatomic Power Corp. (TAP) with a neutronic and fuel cycle analysis of the company’s liquid-fueled molten-salt reactor (MSR) core design.