The Nuclear Workforce of the Future – Opportunities and Needs for the International Nuclear Sector with Mr. Callum Thomas
October 31, 2023
Although nuclear energy is by far the largest producer of carbon free electricity on the planet, and nuclear applications in healthcare have been saving lives for decades, most people go through life unaware of the career opportunities within the nuclear sector. The need to attract and retain talented people within the nuclear sector has always been important, but as the sector grows it is now becoming an imperative. Questions and topics addressed in this webinar include:
- What does the nuclear workforce look like today, in terms of volumes, locations and skillsets of people in the sector?
- How does the workforce need to evolve and develop to meet the future ambitions of the nuclear sector?
- Increasing awareness of the sector itself and the exciting and purposeful career opportunities that exist.
- Addressing some of the barriers to attracting, recruiting and retaining talent in the nuclear sector.
- Recognizing the differentiators that mean hundreds of thousands of people stay with the nuclear sector for their whole career.
- How to find out about career opportunities and either enter or expand your career within the nuclear sector.