ECA FORUM: Hosting New Nuclear Development
August 3-5, 2022
To better understand how to match potential host-community strengths and needs with those of advanced nuclear project developers, ECA’s Energy Communities Forum on Hosting New Nuclear Development will:
- Provide a venue for nuclear technology and project developers to meet and interact with interested potential host communities, with exhibition booth spaces and separate, small meeting room availability.
- Share lessons learned from communities and developers hosting nuclear power facilities or federal nuclear missions and outline what local government needs to understand and should consider as potential hosts for nuclear projects.
- Facilitate discussions to better understand the outlook for new nuclear development and provide realistic timelines for local governments and economic development entities looking at siting, regulation, public-private partnerships and how to build support from the ground-up.
The agenda featured five case studies on new nuclear development in Idaho; Richland, Washington; Kemmerer, Wyoming; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; and Portsmouth, Ohio with presentations by the teams – from the developer, utility, local government, and local economic development entities – on progress being made and the challenges that remain.
Speakers included:
- Dr. Kathryn Huff, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy;
- David Wright, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
- Todd Shrader, Deputy Director for Project Management, Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations;
- James Schaefer, Senior Managing Director, Guggenheim Securities;
- Richard Arnold, Spokesperson, Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations;
- Sharon Fain, Vice President, Rocky Mountain Power Wyoming;
- Rita Meyer, Executive Outreach, TerraPower;
- Christine Csizmadia, Senior Manager for State Outreach, Nuclear Energy Institute;
- Rick McLeod, President/CEO, Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization;
- Dave McCormack, Executive Director, Clean Energy Supplier Alliance;
- Karl Dye, President/CEO, Tri-City Development Council; and
- Jackie Toth, Deputy Director, Good Energy Collective;
…in addition to representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy and Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, national laboratories, the University of Michigan’s Fastest Path to Zero, the Nuclear Energy Institute, the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear, the National Reactor Innovation Center, and more.