In Progress

NE Voucher Awards in Progress

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Characterization of the Radiation Stability of Molten Nitrate/Nitrite Salts for use as Heat Transfer Fluids in Nuclear Reactor Power Plants, Yellowstone Energy

The objective of this project is to complete the necessary irradiation testing required and accelerate the retirement of risk related to qualification of nuclear environment nitrate salts. It is expected that the results of this project will significantly advance the MNSR design by qualifying the radiation stability of nitrate salt coolants in a nuclear environment.

Characterization of the Radiation Stability of Molten Nitrate/Nitrite Salts for use as Heat Transfer Fluids in Nuclear Reactor Power Plants, Yellowstone Energy Read More »

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Advancement of Instrumentation to Monitor IMSR® Core Temperature and Power Level, Terrestrial Energy USA

The objective of this project is to develop Terrestrial Energy USA’s high temperature gamma thermometer (HTGT) that will accurately determine IMSR® power levels under all normal and off-normal reactor operating conditions. The HTGT will ensure safe and effective control of IMSR® reactor-core power and will be applicable to other MSR designs.

Advancement of Instrumentation to Monitor IMSR® Core Temperature and Power Level, Terrestrial Energy USA Read More »

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