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LEU+ UF6 Physical Chemistry Study, Orano Federal Services

Previous studies for UF6 limits in shipping containers were limited to enrichment up to 5%. The objectives of this new study will take that enrichment to 10%. The project will review the available literature and update these studies with current techniques, evaluate the impact of higher enrichments in safety criticality cases in transport conditions, and publish a report that will serve as the basis to the safety criticality analysis that will be provided for review and approval to the radioactive material transport regulators, for the DN-30 package with 30B cylinders containing enrichment higher than 5%.

LEU+ UF6 Physical Chemistry Study, Orano Federal Services Read More »

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Advanced Functional Membrane Testing for Noble Gas Management in a Molten Salt Reactor, Exodys Energy (Elysium)

The objective of this project is to evaluate a metalorganic framework (MOF) for continuous separation of Xe and Kr from the off-gas in the FCMSR in order to optimize the noble gas management of the FC-MSR and chemical processes for fuel salt production and conditioning and support the safety and licensing bases.

Advanced Functional Membrane Testing for Noble Gas Management in a Molten Salt Reactor, Exodys Energy (Elysium) Read More »

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