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Analysis of NuCycle® Flowsheet for Waste Stream Characterization, Curio Solutions

Curio will partner with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to conduct an analysis of the NuCycle® flowsheet that will allow the generation of quantities and classification of anticipated waste streams and recommendations on waste forms most suitable to sequestering the generated waste streams. Results of the project would be used to determine the approach to managing waste from a pilot demonstration of NuCycle® to be performed in 2027.

Analysis of NuCycle® Flowsheet for Waste Stream Characterization, Curio Solutions Read More »

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Heat Exchanger Evaluation, NuCube Energy

NuCube will partner with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to receive assistance in computational analysis of the heat exchanger design. INL has developed a code to optimize high temperature heat exchangers for both installation and operating costs and has validated that code for conventional shell and tube heat exchangers. This analysis will allow NuCube to assess the performance of the heat exchanger and support an optimized design prior to finalization of the detailed design and fabrication to support a demonstration project.

Heat Exchanger Evaluation, NuCube Energy Read More »

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Development of Analytical Techniques for Trace Impurities in 2LiF-BeF2, Kairos Power

Kairos will partner with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to extend measurements of dissolved oxygen and corrosion products in FLiBe to the full range of relevant/significant impurities, as well as incorporating the measurement methods into their quality assurance program/practices. Refinement of analytical methods for species in salt that impact system operation will enable Kairos to continue along the aggressive timeline for near term nuclear demonstration and commercial deployment.

Development of Analytical Techniques for Trace Impurities in 2LiF-BeF2, Kairos Power Read More »

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Independent Verification and Benchmark of Deep Fission’s Deep Borehole Microreactor Thermal Hydraulic System Behavior, Deep Fission

Deep Fission will partner with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to enhance its thermal hydraulics infrastructure using RELAP5-3D modeling. INL has unique expertise in developing thermomechanical and thermos-hydro-mechanical models in deep geological repositories for used nuclear fuel and geothermal applications involving deep hole drilling and heat extraction.

Independent Verification and Benchmark of Deep Fission’s Deep Borehole Microreactor Thermal Hydraulic System Behavior, Deep Fission Read More »

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Independent Assessment of a Novel Heat Exchanger Concept for Open-Air Brayton Cycle, Nano Nuclear Energy

Nano will partner with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to perform an independent evaluation of the heat exchanger design. This will include the development of a computational model of the heat exchanger to help analyze the design and confirm certain attributes that are critical to the reactor operations.

Independent Assessment of a Novel Heat Exchanger Concept for Open-Air Brayton Cycle, Nano Nuclear Energy Read More »

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Development of Oxygen IR Calibration Standards for High-Purity Chloride Salts, Sigma-Aldrich

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is only one of two labs that can test the oxygen content in chloride salts. MS will partner with INL to verify alignment of test results between MS and INL regarding oxygen content of very high-purity chloride salts utilizing oxygen analyzers, identify, capture, and document best practices into a preliminary framework for a standardized test method and down-select appropriate materials and certification specifications for chloride salt reference standard(s).

Development of Oxygen IR Calibration Standards for High-Purity Chloride Salts, Sigma-Aldrich Read More »

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Independent Analysis of Antares R1 Core Design, Antares Nuclear

Antares will partner with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to perform an independent, technical audit of Antares R1. ORNL’s Reactor Analysis Group will verify design calculations, including core neutronics and thermal hydraulics. This project will yield high confidence that hardware test campaigns predicated on neutronics data are valid, allowing Antares to move through test stages to a fueled demonstration of the system.

Independent Analysis of Antares R1 Core Design, Antares Nuclear Read More »

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Project SparkHub: Nuclear-Powered Data Center Development, Advanced Nuclear Advisors

To help get ANA’s Project SparkHub off to a quick start, ANA will partner with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to use the OR-SAGE tool to perform site screening and down select a number of sites that could be amenable to siting nuclear facilities. The sites will also be located in regions where there is strong incentive to build data centers. After the project, ANA will continue work and begin licensing activities to obtain an Early Site Permit on a technology-neutral basis to support development of the site.

Project SparkHub: Nuclear-Powered Data Center Development, Advanced Nuclear Advisors Read More »

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Thermogravimetric Analysis of IMSR Fuel Salt Simulants, Terrestrial Energy

Terrestrial Energy will partner with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) using their expertise in thermogravimetric analysis to analyze the IMSR fuel salt. This project will help determine what chemical species are present in the fuel salt vapor as a function of temperature and partial pressure, whether the fuel salt decomposes at elevated temperatures, and the kinetics of fuel salt vaporization. The work will support the optimization of the reactor components in the IMSR Core-unit as well as the overall design. 

Thermogravimetric Analysis of IMSR Fuel Salt Simulants, Terrestrial Energy Read More »

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Real-Time Generation Risk Assessment (GRA) Model for Commercial Nuclear Power Plant, Entergy Operations

Entergy will partner with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to implement real-time Generation Risk Assessment (GRA) modeling to address these issues. ORNL’s unique experience in implementing GRA models combined with the use of their Operational Performance Risk Assessment (OPRA) software will be used to integrate the model with real-time data. Entergy will roll out the model at one of its operating plants an if successful look to expand to other plants in their fleet.

Real-Time Generation Risk Assessment (GRA) Model for Commercial Nuclear Power Plant, Entergy Operations Read More »

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