Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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Development of Analytical Techniques for Trace Impurities in 2LiF-BeF2

Kairos will partner with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to extend measurements of dissolved oxygen and corrosion products in FLiBe to the full range of relevant/significant impurities, as well as incorporating the measurement methods into their quality assurance program/practices. Refinement of analytical methods for species in salt that impact system operation will enable Kairos to continue along the aggressive timeline for near term nuclear demonstration and commercial deployment.

Development of Analytical Techniques for Trace Impurities in 2LiF-BeF2 Read More »

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Analysis of NuCycle® Flowsheet for Waste Stream Characterization

Curio will partner with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to conduct an analysis of the NuCycle® flowsheet that will allow the generation of quantities and classification of anticipated waste streams and recommendations on waste forms most suitable to sequestering the generated waste streams. Results of the project would be used to determine the approach to managing waste from a pilot demonstration of NuCycle® to be performed in 2027.

Analysis of NuCycle® Flowsheet for Waste Stream Characterization Read More »

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Advanced Functional Membrane Testing for Noble Gas Management in a Molten Salt Reactor, Elysium Industries

The objective of this project is to evaluate a metalorganic framework (MOF) for continuous separation of Xe and Kr from the off-gas in the FCMSR in order to optimize the noble gas management of the FC-MSR and chemical processes for fuel salt production and conditioning and support the safety and licensing bases.

Advanced Functional Membrane Testing for Noble Gas Management in a Molten Salt Reactor, Elysium Industries Read More »

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Lead-Bismuth Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Licensing Development; Methodology for Meeting Containment System Principal Design Criteria for Heavy Metal Fast Reactor systems, Columbia Basin Consulting Group

The objective of this project was to review Columbia Basin Consulting Group (CBCG)’s design concept for a leadbismuth-cooled fast reactor and thereafter to determine how the design might benefit from the functional containment concept, which allows the designer to take credit for a sequence of barriers to contain or confine radionuclides.

Lead-Bismuth Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Licensing Development; Methodology for Meeting Containment System Principal Design Criteria for Heavy Metal Fast Reactor systems, Columbia Basin Consulting Group Read More »

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