Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

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Risk-Informed Mechanistic Source Term Calculations for a Compact Fast Reactor, Oklo Inc.

The objective of this project was to focus on the coupling of three high fidelity analysis codes for detailed core analysis, an analysis of the Oklo reactor design to assesses the potential for radionuclide release to the environment during accident scenarios, and an assessment and provision of relevant metal fuel data through inspection of post-irradiation examination data from past metal fuel testing. This project had two additional objectives, the experimental characterization of liquid metal heat pipe performance, failure behavior, and phenomena and the testing of generic heat pipes beyond their design limits, providing original data and insights.

Risk-Informed Mechanistic Source Term Calculations for a Compact Fast Reactor, Oklo Inc. Read More »

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Verification of Molten-Salt Properties at High Temperatures; IMSR® [Integral Molten Salt Reactor] Fuel Salt Property Confirmation: Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity, Terrestrial Energy USA

The objective of this project was to procure, prepare, and characterize fluoride salt compositions relevant to Terrestrial Energy USA, Inc.’s Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR®) design. Then, the project set out to investigate the fuel salts’ thermal conductivities, viscosities, and densities.

Verification of Molten-Salt Properties at High Temperatures; IMSR® [Integral Molten Salt Reactor] Fuel Salt Property Confirmation: Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity, Terrestrial Energy USA Read More »

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High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Thermal Energy Storage System, BGTL, LLC

The objective of this project was to develop a conceptual design for a full-size transportable thermal energy storage (TES) unit using a molten aluminum alloy as the high-temperature phase change material for use with different energy systems, including a 150-MWth sodium fast reactor, a coal-fired plant, wind turbines, and photovoltaic solar energy systems.

High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Thermal Energy Storage System, BGTL, LLC Read More »

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Legacy Metal Fuel Data Exploration for Commercial Scale-up, Oklo Inc.

Oklo Inc. (Oklo) partnered with Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to accelerate the fuel manufacturing process to support Oklo’s path to commercialization. The project involved compiling and assessing information about legacy metal fuel data and fabrication from EBR-II, the liquid-metalcooled fast reactor that operated for 30 years at INL.

Legacy Metal Fuel Data Exploration for Commercial Scale-up, Oklo Inc. Read More »

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