The GAIN initiative is a public-private partnership established by the U.S. Department of Energy and operates out of Idaho National Laboratory. We facilitate access to the technical, regulatory and financial support needed to accelerate the commercialization of advanced nuclear technologies.

As technologies move closer to commercialization, GAIN is also evolving to support organizations (states, utilities, communities) who are new to nuclear and interested in learning more. Our focus is to engage with state and local leaders to understand their needs first. GAIN can connect them with national lab resources to help understand how nuclear energy might serve their needs in the future. Learn more >

GAIN’s Mission

Provide the nuclear energy industry with access to the technical, regulatory, and financial support necessary to move innovative nuclear energy technologies toward commercialization in an accelerated and cost-effective fashion.

GAIN’s Vision

By 2030, the U.S. nuclear industry will be equipped to lead the world in the deployment of innovative nuclear technologies to supply urgently needed abundant reliable energy both domestically and globally.

Facets of GAIN

Accelerating the commercialization of nuclear energy technologies that support both the existing fleet and advanced reactors requires a multi-faceted approach. That’s why GAIN works to support, impact and influence each of these components that represent a critical part of the advanced nuclear ecosystem.

GAIN by the Numbers

GAIN uses a full range of methods to respond, communicate and collaborate with an expanding list of nuclear energy stakeholders. Therefore, it is crucial that GAIN reach audiences and stakeholders through funding and outreach.

GAIN Nuclear Energy Vouchers

104 NE vouchers awarded

64 organizations awarded NE vouchers

$37.2 million awarded through NE vouchers

What is GAIN? video
Image of Participants at the workshop included Sen. Danny Carroll (far right), Kenya Stump (center) GAIN Director Christine King and Deputy Director Andy Worrall and state leaders in Kentucky
Participants at the Kentucky workshop included Sen. Danny Carroll (far right), Kenya Stump (center) GAIN Director Christine King and Deputy Director Andy Worrall (far left), state leaders and industry executives

GAIN Communications (FY24)

101 total engagements:

52 regional, state and community

49 industry