Andrew Worrall – Bio

Headshot of Andy Worrall

Andrew Worrall

Deputy Director
Email I LinkedIn I 865-576-9369

Andrew Worrall

Deputy Director

Andrew Worrall, a native of the United Kingdom (U.K.), is the deputy director of GAIN. He is responsible for the overall management and integration of GAIN activities, including leading the development of tools and data for the broader community, developing strategies for the engagement of the nuclear industry and supply chain and
supporting the GAIN director in all other activities.

He is the integrated fuel cycle section head in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In December 2014, the U.S. Department of Energy appointed Andrew as the laboratory lead coordinator for nuclear energy research programs with the U.K. In January 2021, Andrew was awarded the U.S. Secretary of Energy’s Achievement Award as part of a multi-laboratory project. In May 2021, he received the Outstanding Alumni Award, from Lancaster University in the U.K., for “an outstanding national and international

Andrew has almost 30 years of professional experience in the U.K. and the U.S. leading multi-disciplinary and multinational projects in the fields of reactor physics, fuel and core design, plutonium disposition, fuel development and fuel cycle strategy (technical, economics and safeguards).

His expertise covers all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, including plutonium management, advanced fuel and reactor design and analysis, used fuel disposition, fuel cycle assessment and safeguards and non-proliferation. He has authored or coauthored more than 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles, technical reports and conference summaries, as well as written two book chapters on small modular reactors.

Andrew is a chartered physicist, a fellow of the Institute of Physics and formerly a Royal Academy of Engineering professor of nuclear engineering.

In his spare time, Andrew is a keen golfer and photographer. He also enjoys riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle or mountain biking through the mountains and roads of East Tennessee.

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