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Regulatory Support

GAIN — in close coordination with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission — provides nuclear industry stakeholders, including developers, license applicants, and owner-operators, with guidance through regulatory framework development and licensing support. This support and its outcomes will take a variety of forms and continue to evolve as technologies mature. If you’d like more information how GAIN can support your regulatory needs, contact Jim Kinsey, Regulatory Affairs Interface, at [email protected] or 208-569-6751.

Route to Regulatory Deployment

The regulatory route to deploying commercial nuclear technologies can overwhelm developers. So GAIN created a webinar series to help you understand how government and industry arrived at the current U.S. regulatory framework for commercial reactors and how to navigate future paths to successful deployment. Learn more >

Facilitating Regulatory Change

Like any industry, the regulatory landscape can bring about uncertainties, as well as associated schedule, technical and financial risks, to nuclear developers’ deployment strategies. At GAIN, we work to help the industry identify, address and resolve these issues. Learn more >

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve answered the questions that the nuclear industry most frequently asks about the U.S. regulatory landscape. Learn more >

Regulatory News

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