Seal of the United_States Department of Energy
Abstract Wave


DOE-NE Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (AMMT) Program Review Meeting

May 18-19, 2022

This two-day workshop reviewed the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (AMMT) Program.

The Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO) researches, develops and demonstrates next-generation materials and manufacturing technologies needed to increase U.S. industrial competitiveness and to drive economy-wide decarbonization. AMMTO supports the national plan to revitalize American manufacturing, secure critical supply chains, and develop diverse innovation ecosystems leading to new manufacturing jobs and increased economic strength of the nation. AMMTO provides planning, management, and direction necessary for a balanced program of research, development, demonstration, technical assistance, and workforce development to support domestic manufacturing that is critical to achieving a clean, decarbonized economy.


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