With a high-level understanding of the GAIN NE Voucher Program, and GAIN’s support, navigating the process is manageable for ventures of all sizes. The graphic below provides a step-by-step look at the program for those interested.
Additionally, GAIN encourages nuclear developers to review the NE voucher program’s request for assistance or contact Chris Lohse , Innovation & Technology Manager, at [email protected] or 925-698-9988 .
Process Flow
Idea formulated
received and
GAIN review
GAIN review team
makes initial
makes final
identifies POC
and laboratory
Company does
not identify
POC and
GAIN verifies the lab
facility and resources
are available
GAIN determines
where capability
exists and connects
the applicant to it
Weeks 1−6
GAIN ensures
contact is made
applicant and POC
POC and applicant work
to determine/clarify
SOW, cost estimates,
and schedule
Weeks 7−12
AC&M informs the PI
that work is approved;
PI contacts the
applicant to begin work
Start work
Week 19
Acquisition and Contract
Management (A&CM)
initiates contracting
AC&M finalizes
DOE site office
reviews and
DOE transfers
Funds to the
INL or other
Weeks 13−18
Lab POC provides final
report to awardee and
summary to GAIN
and closeout
Week 70
Awards announced
AC&M finalizes CRADA
DOE site office reviews and approves
DOE transfers funds to the INL or other sites
GAIN ensures contact is made between applicant and POC
POC and applicant work to determine/clarify SOW,
cost estimates and schedule
Acquisition and Contract Management (A&CM) initiates
contracting mechanisms
Start work
AC&M informs the PI that work is approved; PI contacts the
applicant to begin work
Idea formulated
Applications received and GAIN review commences
GAIN review team makes initial recommendation
DOE-NE makes final decision
Company identifies POC
and laboratory
Company does not identify
POC and laboratory
GAIN verifies the lab facility
and resources are available
GAIN determines where
capability exists and
connects the applicant to it
Weeks 1−6
Weeks 7−12
Week 19
Weeks 13−18
Lab POC provides final report to awardee and summary to GAIN
Validation and closeout
Week 70